D.E.M.A.N.D.1 by Cutiehawaii
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o_O ...okaayyyy.
-Taylor :P
D.E.M.A.N.D.1 by Cutiehawaii
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o_O ...okaayyyy.
-Taylor :P
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3:56 PM
What should happen with Benji and Donyelle after this season of 'So You Think You Can Dance' concludes...
i feel so much better about my slight stalkage of b's MS.
tay. is this as scary as the exorcist?
haha it was funny though when she said as benji himself said "open quote...close quote"
remind me never to go to hawaii, thank you. b is very brave to have gone there
Haha, yeah, I saw this a few months ago. Everyone on FoxForums (At least when I was last there - It's been a while) has her as the inspiration for, like, half their jokes. She's psychotic, and has changed her name on there, like, a bajillion times, cause they keep getting her account erased.
~ Moosey ~
Razor: haha! The exorcist has nothing on this chick. :) ahh, that was so mean. Sorry! I'm sure that she is a very nice person, regardless of her slight fangirl overdose. :) There we go. Much better.
Moose: Lol I never saw this! Ahh where was I? Well, I was hearing about her and hpw she changed her name and was in love with benji and all of that stuff. But I never saw this vid ahha! It's like a commercial directed at Lanji. It cracked me up how she said sissyduckling. lmaooo!
-Taylz :P
she's crazy and it's sad =/ i've never known such a stalker. poor benji to deal with her.
Lol, yeah, I don't remember what story it was, but in their fanfiction, sombody put in Benji's psychotic stalker "SweetieCalifornia", and those of us who went to foxforums a the time (Mostly Thallie - Aw, I miss her : ( - Et moi) were laughing hysterically at the reference. This woman has a daughter, too!
ahah! Yeah, the fact that she has a kid creeps me out. CC and I were cracking up at that for like 3 hours. Whenever I watch this I explode in giggles!
"Sissyduckliiing!" HAHAHAHA!
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