Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Thanks to me, cee, and benjelle fangirl for telling me abou the blogg. <33

new benji blog out. i wonder who...oh what the heck i'm really really really believing that the "very special someone" we all "know very well" mentioned in his entry is DONYEEEEELLEE (a la benji when he got partnered with her again)!!! here's the blog:

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Current mood: optimistic

Howdy Guys! im Gonna Be Two Busy in the next couple of days to actually blog...so i decided to do my weekly blog about my TOP 10 today at 2 am. I just got back from a photo shoot in Newport Beach for Image magazine...Ill let you know when its out...its models are myself, and a very special someone that you all know VERY WELL.

Life is crazy, but GREAT! Im loving my work and the challenges at hand. I have great people in my life right now that I know God put them there for a reason. Dancing is so much fun and I love training and teaching and performing...my foot is feeling much better. not going full full out...like benji:BRITE crazy on it yet...but i can definatley get by and im hoping to go full out by the end of the week. Ive been doing a lot of choreography lately and its been some of the best stuff i feel that Ive been inspired to do, so thats a good sign that thru all the classes i teach and take and the new art projects im doing are rubbing off! Im a firm believer in leanring and acquiring as much knowledge in ANYTHING to make me a better and more understanding person and dancer.

Okay but today, the Top Ten of the Week might just make some people who fantasize about lil' ol' me think twice.

Today, I'm pointing out TEN PHYSICAL FLAWS that i have that Ive learned to like about myself and laugh at as opposed to hate myself for them!!! We all have em' somewhere or somehow...here's a very select few of the plethora I have!!! ;P

10. My BIG HEAD: its big! i was born sunny side up and the doctors pulled me out. on my newborn pics i had the huge E.T. head thing going so my folks put a hat on me...baseball hats usually never fit...to this day i always wear odd hats...its not because my head is shaped like ET anymore, just stuck to it which caused me to be a lil more creative in what i wear...hense my big head helped me to wear unique stuff...

9. My CROOKED KNEES: my knees are slightly inverted more than normal knees....so to appear that they are normal, Ive always had to dance more turned out then anyone...just to look regular...which has caused my to be able to show turn out, even though i never knew the importance of it in swing dancing...but the there a big importance to it in solo dancing which i have embraced recently...so cool blessing in disguise!

8. my BUBBLE BUTT; yeah yeah...I always hated it that I didnt fit into pants as easliy as some...but the BENJOOTY's cushioning as helped prevent serious injury from the likes of Christina Aguilera and Tyra Banks!!! so yeah big bonus!!!

7. My CHICKEN WINGS: I have extremely flexible shoulders...i can hold a soda can with em when im free of injury and knots. Some say it makes guys look weakly and hunched...I can inflate them out so far that it looks like i have pretty worked out latts..as well as i can puff my chest and extend the wings and it looks like i have a barrel chest...very good for paso doble, and or for freaking out friends with a lil diddy i call "dead bird" hahahahha

6.My Crooked NOSE: yeah so from looking at me straight on...you cant really tell my nose is crooked...but if you look from under me...my nose goes completely in a 20 degree angle to the right...its kinda funny! i think its cool. i dont think if i was to have a perfect face and be proportionate in perfection that i wouldn't feel the need to be real and like me in the inside and be a good man to a good lady and/or try to dance so much and just get chicks, and also by it sticking out more than normal i have more room to smile...lol im down with that!

5. my POOFY STOMACH: sure I have an eight pack at times...but the funny thing is...that i breathe in and for most the air is locked in the chest...mine goes down to my stomach...so i can stick my stomach out like a 9 month old mother with triplets...its kinda cool to do it once again for friends, belly dancing hehe, and shakira imitations!!!

4. HERBIE and KIRBY: My GIANT BIG TOES: Yes...my two big toes are absolutely bigger than my other toes by a long shot. they are twins except KIRBY has bad luck and has two scars on him and was rcently sprained...but hEALS FAST...my buds still make fun of my HERBIE and KIRBY, but hey...the wider the better...they help my spin my butt off and balance a lot better...plus they are so long and big i can fold them over and walk on the knuckle of them..even jump...once again cool for scaring friends and such.

3. My TEETH: I had the most horendous time having my braces as a teen. I had them on for 5 years, and they were never done...my ortho never finished the job and did a rotten half way point to add to the fire. I had them taken off in protest...I just didnt care anymore. But oddly enough...they had slid kinda together in a organized fashion during my mission. The jawline is messed up. When i take a bite out of a hamburger the lettuce stays half way between being eaten and not...my top and bottom rows of teeth dont touch till you get to my molars. its hilarious...but its helped my bust out the "apple bite" smile when performing...hense adding a lil uniqeness to my facial expressions...lol!!!

2. part 2: MY SMILE: you know...i dont know if i have "A SMILE" ...more like 20 of them...so yeah they vary all the time but its cool. I used to hate my smile. I thought it made me look ugly..now its my prefered weapon of choice! I now like and welcome that I have a gummy smile...most teeth bleaching commercials use HUGE smiles...so thats cool...unique is good! Also, one side of my smile goes down at the dimple, the other goes up...coolness because my dad's smile goes up, and my mom's curves down...and i have both...i take after both i guess!!!

1. MY PAWS: okay...Ive always hated my hands...I could never be a hand model...i have stubby fingers and big palms...which my mom since birth has called my PAWS...and when i was younger, if i tried to hold them into a cup shape to hold MandMs or water or something...i had so much pudge there that they rolled off em!!! that was like till i was 12!!! lol...and although i hated it then...telling that story to someone when i dating while were holding hands, always makes their hearts melt...oh yeah...i pimp it hardcore!!! hehehehhe

So yeah, in closing I believe there's always a WHY and reason to ones imperfections or flaws...they make us hman and beautiful and human and unique. Dimples are concidered awesome by so many people...angel kisses they call them...but in reality they are a birth defect in the formation of the face...coolness!

Well that pretty much sums it up....CELEBRATE an imperfection or two here...or ten whatevs!!! cant wait to read them!!! Also I encourage people who may be having issues with how they look...find the reason behind the why.

Much Love, God Bless,


-Taylor :P


Anonymous said...

one word. SCREAM!!!

anyways, it's donyelle. i know it.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah...i pimp it hardcore!!! hehehehhe.

okay, so this is why i love benji schwimmer.

it's donyelle. duerhufudfsd.

Anonymous said...

Who else could it be?

Anonymous said...

of course it's donyelle i mean come on.

Anonymous said...

of course it is Donyelle,
BUT Knowing how benjellers luck has been, here is who else he could mean:
(From realistic to impossible)
1. Donyelle
2. Heidi
3. Lacey
4. Christina Agulara
5. Britany Spears

Anonymous said...

hahah! britney? "britney & candyman - the bald truth". it's definitely dony. why else would he bother telling us in caps it's someone we know "VERY WELL". the benjeller in him just couldn't resist. he's so still in luurrrve with dony but if it's not dony...i can't even imagine it not being dony.

Taylor said...

I'ts PATTY! hehehehe.

-Tay :P

Anonymous said...

don't give your hopes up!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray its DONYELLE and I think it is :)

Anonymous said...

I hope its Donny too that would absolutly awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

totally could see it being heidi...like an ad for their dvd's or something.

Anonymous said...

I'm with TAY.


k, so it's Donny, yepp.

Anonymous said...

DONYELLE'S BULLETIN is already OLD!!! dated Mar 6,

she says she's going to be in Arizona Mar 17, 18???? for a convention and wants to teach a class or two if a studio invites her

Anonymous said...

who else could it be? Plus do we really know Heidi or Lacey very well? It's most likely Donyelle :)

Anonymous said...

it isn't DONYELLE!!!

but i'm still BENJELLY N'

And i do wash my hands after you know what ---especially if Benji is watching

Anonymous said...

If its not Donny maybe it could be Travis, idk ... that would be great if it was Donny though!
Signed oh how I hate being anonymous

Anonymous said...

the song 'i'll be' for benjelle's second VFW is (or was depending on how we look at it) perfect for them, simply because of these words:

I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life

if only they could just dance together one more time.

Anonymous said...


I just wanted to be the 20th comment.

hehe. =)

Anonymous said...

I imagine he's talking about Heidi or Travis...He likes to play with his fans, especially those who love the "Benjelle" and he knows that a lot of people will assume it's Donyelle, but I think people are in for a let down. I would be very surprised if it were her.

Anonymous said...

I agree, deep down, I think it isn't Donyelle, even though it all points out to her. But yeah, I think we are in for a let down. I REALLY WANT IT TO BE DONYELLE!!