Friday, March 16, 2007

I Have An Announcment To Make

Hey guys, I've been putting this off for a while now, but I suppose it really should be said.

By now, I'm sure you've noticed that the bulk of the posts over the last month or two have all been Taylor's. In fact, due to my riggorous study schedule, some of you more recent readers only know her, and not me. However, to those of you who remember the Golden Days of Tayoose, when our hearts still believed that our Beloved Benjelle were having a torrid affair, when none of the original Benjelle Familia had jumped ship, when we spent all our free time searching all the sites we came across for videos, pictures, and gossip... I owe it to you to make this official.

By now, you've probably guessed that, for the time being, I am leaving this humble blog I began, and leaving it in the more-than-capable hands of Co-Owner Taylor, my lovely Pumbaa. I doubt many of you will care all too much (It seems as though nearly all of you would rather Taylor have full charge, anyway), but I will be coming back for those who do. I'm just taking a break for a few months... Most likely until I get out of school in late May. I plan to stop in periodically before that time, as I have been doing, but I probably won't post very often (There isn't really anything of any interest right now other than Benji's blogs and pictures, anyway, and Taylor gets to those before I do because, due to the time difference - We pretty much live across the country from each other - she gets home before I do).

Just to give you a vague reason for this (Other than those two points I have already made): I go to a college prep highschool, so I pretty much have to constantly be doing homework, and I have a whole slew of personal problems that have been progressively building up throughout the year. It's just too much to juggle.

Just know that I love you all (ESPECIALLY my original Benjelle Familia, though many of you have long since departed), and it's been really hard for me to come to this decision.

Love to all as I sign off for a while...

~ Moosey ~


Taylor said...

what?? =[

Taylor said...

hmph. I'm still not happy that you're leaving. Good news is you'll be back in May. I'm gonna miss you Cheesehead, and all of your spifflicious pig latin moments. Tayoose never dies!!!! The fishsticks and canolis will live on forever. haha. Everyone loves you Mooseykins! Afterall there would be no Dancing With Champagne and Caviar without you! =[ Aww. I don't wanna run the blog without you. But I'm glad you think that I can. =D I miss you already big cuzzy!

TAYOOSE FOREVER! FLAMING FISHSTICK FRIENDS!!!!! I love you! <3 *hold up glowing fishstick* :P

Anonymous said...

Lol- the calabo will be missed. I still lurk like I did from the beginning. But yeah not too much has been jumpin off. It's still my lil guilty pleasure though.;-)

Anonymous said...

Moosey, I completely understand your reasons for your "sabbatical", and I'm delighted that A. you have good priorities and B. the blog will continue. I'll miss you though, because even when you weren't posting much, your presence was still in this site. You will always share equal credit (blame? lol) with Tay for Benjellifying me, so I can never forget you! Plus, you love Tracy Chapman and you speak French!! :) :)
Good luck the rest of the school year, and see you when SYTYCD starts again! Muah!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, when Andi appeared on his top friends list, Donyelle disappeared from that list. But Donyelle still loves Benji and kept him as a top friend. He's not number one, but at least his little picture is still on her profile page.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Moose. For Everything. Take Care. See ya .....soon

Anonymous said...

whoa whoa whoa, how do you know that benji is in a relationship with andi? I thought I remembered reading a blog of hers where she said she wouldn't even think of dating until after Mila passed.

Anonymous said...

awww Moose I'm sorry you're leaving

But candy cheeks, how do you know Mila and Benji are in a relationship? isn't her daughter dying?

Anonymous said...

sorry i meant andi

Anonymous said...

well i guess benji has really moved on then, if he did have any feelings for dony in the first place. i think candy cheeks is right, cos in andi's myspace, she is "in a relationship". andi's 27 (hey how about that, so is dony) & i guess more importantly, a mormon so, maybe that's why they clicked & well found each other?...i just wish him well. i know it's silly but i feel sad that benji has someone now & there's no more dony in his life. his top friends list says it all. but hey, life's like that. dony has tahir...benji has andi...and they live happily ever after...the end.

Anonymous said...

well considering this surprising revelation i think it isn't donyelle after all who's in that photoshoot he was talking about. it must be his new lady love then. oh well. i knew it was too good to be true.

Anonymous said...

i think most of us are just sad that he doesn't even have donny in his top friends cos it sure is a big sign of something. i mean before we thought it was just cos he was hacked but now oh well. at least he still has a pic of them together even though he clarified it was more for the sake of the many devotees of that pic.

Anonymous said...

let's move on & leave them be long as they're happy dancing. to the benjelle, thanx for the memories. it was good while it lasted.

Anonymous said...

yay for taylor coming back!

1) No one played us. They always said they were just friends. And on top of that, just cause you are friends doesn't mean you don't have feelings for eachother that are strictly platonic. Who hasn't had a "friend" they totally had complicated feelings for? Life's just complicated, that's all.

2) I think most likely this young mother has more on her mind than getting googly with a younger man when she's dealing with so much right now. I don't think we should read too much into ms, it's not a real reflection on a person on many levels.

My guess is that usually extraordinary circumstances can bring people together very closely in a short amount of time.

Moose said...

For any who would like to keep in touch while I'm gone, and don't already have my MySpace friended, here's the link:

h t t p : / / w w w . m y s p a c e . c o m / h a z z a h 3 5 7

Anonymous said...

Proof anyone?

Anonymous said...

I tried that myspace link and it doesn't work. highted/copy/paste/go
Is it for real? A typo?

Anonymous said...

anon at 12:59 you're right but if they are together, it shouldn't matter to us anyway. he's free to be with whomever he wishes, just as donny is. they didn't play us. the romantic in us all would of course love to see benji with donny but maybe it's better if they're never meant to be since we don't know what good or bad may come out of certain things that happen in life. maybe fate has it written that they're meant to only light up each other's (and our) lives for that short while.

Anonymous said...

has anyone ever wondered how it'd be if it were dony & benji who did the "why" routine instead of allison & ivan because when you look at it closely, it certainly seems more in tune to their relationship (at least what we thought, during the show) rather than allison's & ivan's, especially the line 'you don't know what i feel"...just a thought.

Anonymous said...

i miss donyelle. i miss her laugh. i miss the beautiful smile in her beautiful eyes. most of all i miss watching her dance.

Anonymous said...

this sounds demented but i'm waiting for the day when benji will put up bella luna on his ms because it will then mean everything has fallen into place. benji, you're reading this & i know you know what i mean.

Anonymous said...

hahah. okay. so benji is dating this personn!>?!?!?! gah.

SORRY im not mature and able to say "thanks for the memories!"


Taylor said...

i miss the original familia too. I miss kemi. =[

hehehe. smiles. heheheh. nice one. lolll. ceecee was like smiles' biggest fan. XD

-Tay :P

Taylor said...

Lookie Lookie!

I miss you guys like crazy. haha I remember the afterparty for the SYTYCD finale! omgg too much fun. <3 :D

Anonymous said...

aw, agreed bridgey and tay :(
love you all still so very much

Anonymous said...

Moose isn't going forever! Wonderful! I've really enjoyed lurking on this board!

And Andi herself said to a friend on ms that she is not in a relationship actually.

I think out of respect for the rough situation she is facing, we probably should not drag her name into this more than we already have. It's fun to speculate about benji and all, but this woman is going through something we can't even imagine. God bless her, and God bless Benji for bringing her and her daughter to our attention. That little girl of hers is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 4:28 I completely agree with you. We have no clue what she is feeling right now and we will not know unless we are in her shoes. She is going through enough right now, and I wish her all the best for her and her daughter, love, happiness.

Btw, do you have proof of this, I mean about the not in a relationship, when her status says In a relationship.

Also I'm happy for Moose to be back in May!! WOOT!

I will never stop reading this blog, it is part of my everyday life :)

Moose said...

Anonymous at 8:20 -

You have to delete the spaces. It wouldn't let me post a link unless the spaces were in there.

Bridgey: SMILES - HAHAHAHAHAHA....Teeheehee... Yes! When we're out of school, we are sooooo getting this family back on track!


Anonymous said...

ok who is that guy in that movie with her and mila??
whos the daddy?
yeah benjelle still lives on.. no matter what
he still has the "miss donyelle jones" pic first
he still has the vfw video up...

Anonymous said...

he's so over donny at least in the "crush" sense i think.

Anonymous said...

At the beginning of the show he did have a crush on her, but it evolved into something more, I don't think he is over her completely, my theory is that when they dance together again, whatever they may have felt for each other will ignite :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's why they (purposely)don't dance together. Have you noticed that. They were together at the Entyce thing but they didn't dance together. Maybe that's why their "last dance" on tour was so emotional, cuz they made a pact. and that's the way it is. is there a song with the title "last dance" donna summer? cuz i'm gonna play it.

Anonymous said...

Lol, I love you guys. The speculations live on.

Anonymous said...

as we speak of relegating the benjelle to the past, benji draws us back in. new caption under the jenny/forrest pic. it reads:

Donyelle Jones/akaMommi/akaDony/akaDonyizzel/akaLove Cakes!

the "Love Cakes" bit could be due to the recent posts on his ms about benjelle in food form. hmmmm...methinks it's not over though his new song is called "all over now" by eric hutchinson. could be about something else altogether. can't seem to get the lyrics. someone help!

& now for the new blog entry:

Monday, March 19, 2007

Current mood: dorky

Hey Yall...Im too busy for life.....but i have my new top ten for the week....ill slow down in a week or two...for like a just constantly booking myself...grateful for the amazing work!!!

here they go...

top 10 cool benji things of the week:

10. starting the GREY SWEAT PANTS CLUB...the fabric in grey sweatpants...nd im talking the cheap-os btw...has a different consistancy than the rest of the colors...and in grey i mean dark grey...not light eighties grey. all sweatpants are GREAT!!! but grey sweatpants are different....Rita calls them sweatPANTS!

9. Saying the Phrase: "Oh sweet sunshine!" but you have to say it like so "OHHHH
Sweet SunCHINE!!!!" its just cooler like that.

8. as people on cell phones walk past you while you're walking past them....speak very boldly to them as you swiftly walk by and say " I was on TV!!!!" its fun

7. its cool to understand that sometimes we need "me time" and we're not being selfish for it. im planing my ery first myself...knowone knows where im at might be next year...but its gonna happen...i might just lock myself in my apartment and not tell anyone. hide my car and turn off all lights!

6. real estate investing...OH YEAHA!

5. when you're envious of someone for wearing something cool or for having something you don't remember this one thing " THEY POOP...AND THEY'RE POOP SMELLS LIKE POOP...AND THAT"S GROSS!!!"

4. the song " I like the rain the most" by Joe purdy..and basically all his music.

3. knowing that a music video with west coast swing in it is number in almost all corners of the world....pretty darn cool....

2. SWAZZ...its my own style of dance that im starting to teach...i smell a DVD for my solo dance crown a brewing....

1. know sometimes...when you're all tense and stressed..and maybe you didnt like your food...and you know that everyone does why not let it out loud and proud every once and a while eh? i admit like to see if any of you are also proud of your passing heritage....that its okay to break wind. just as long as you're not putting people down wind from man im nuts...

love yalll a reall blog is coming asap...also new coolio pictures coming very soon!!! they are tiiiiight!!!


Anonymous said...

i think the only way people will ever stop talking about the benjelle is if benji just marry dony. oh benji...just go ahead & do it already! hahaha!

Anonymous said...

am i crazy to want to believe that in this romance, donyelle's the unattainable & benji's the lovelorn, ever-hopeful & determined hero who will get her one day??? is this really what's going on or is it just what i WANT to happen in real life because i'll admit, it's just so heartbreakingly beautiful. it's like watching a romantic movie or reading a romance novel & you just know a happy ending is on the way so you transfer that to this benjelle business wishing & hoping for the same when it's not even remotely possible because they're not characters in a movie or a novel. i'm rambling. i need help...

Anonymous said...

i for one still believe benji loves donyelle and maybe, MAYBE, one day he will tell her...heck, maybe he already has, and she just hasn't been for it. BUT HELLO. LOVE CAKES. maybe i'm crazy. ya'll can stop shipping. but i won't!!! there is always hope...

on another note, wow. benji's blog. he's...mature :P

i don't like him.

okay i still do. :)

Anonymous said...

It could be that they just won't dance together because they are scared of what feelings they had might come back. Maybe they will end up together *WISHING* like in Passions ethan and theresa, they were a couple for a while then he marries gwen and then theresa finds Jared and then in the end when both of them are SINGLE they want to be together, which is what I hope Benjelle will do except in the vicinity of less time like maybe SOON. but yeah, I wonder what would happen if the two of them were single one day...

Benji still feels something for Donny, love cakes who the heck names a friend LOVE CAKES, friend? I think not!!


Anonymous said...

Also the song Someday out of the Blue by Elton John is a good song for them...

Anonymous said...

Die hard benjeller here shipping forever. The love cakes has secured my place on the ship even more!

Anonymous said...

oh my gawd. this speculating is killing me. benji if you are reading this will you just go ahead and prove it already by admitting publicly that yes you are in love with donny & will always be & will keep trying to win her until such time that she says YES. ok. i'm done.

Anonymous said...

Check out the new vid on Benji's the about me section!!

Anonymous #2

Anonymous said...

has anyone seen the video montage of Benjelle in his about me section, first video---if you haven't, you will faint. I'm serious.