Saturday, March 03, 2007

YOU'RE gonna love this blog!

[thnx to neicee and rayzorkins]

Current mood: creative

Okay so i thought I'd switch it up a bit...but b4 you go reading on...make sure you check out my new photography label "CLK'DbyBNJI" you might see a few of them floating around on mine or lacey's myspaces....okay
today i am doing the top ten things that are my pet peeves...

10. sore feet! (im dancing again, no more crutches! just my foot is friggin' sore!!!)

9. okay...another thing...(this is so much fun playing the negative role!) when you receive ;P a comment or a letter or a text....and someone writes "your cute" or "your adorable" or "your amazing" ......YOUR WHAT's AMAZING?!?!?!?!?! hahaha guys its
YOU'RE=you are... you're this, you're that....there ya go...this is MARTHA's most abominable pet peeve!!! lol(but if you made that mistake...its totally cool im a horrible speller!)

8. misleading foods that say they're healthy but really are loaded with bad stuff!!! those are bad....restaurants as well.

7. when Golden Spoon(my favorite place) runs out of cake batter-flavored frozen yogurt!!! thats the worst!

6. when you're doing a performance and your music skips!!!

5. "the in between" stage when you are trying to grow out your hair and its not quite there....i end up looking like a cross between Buckweat and Justin Timberlake when i start dancing.

4. wanting to put a song on my myspace but the clean edited versions are usually never available here....bums me out a bit.

3. being too busy for people i really care about...thats a big one lately.

2. health care....nuff said

1. okay im at airports all the time...occasionally visiting the bathrooms to take care of's a gross know guys, when you're in a public're washing your hands....then you see a guy just flush and leave without even putting some water on his hands? I really dislike that...and its even weirder to think that most of them look like clean cut business men types....thats just nasty....PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS PEOPLE!!!! lol whats even weirder is when you're boarding your plane and you walk in and he's sitting right there...and he knows you know that he didn't wash and he knows you know that he knows.....thats very uncomfortable!!!!

lol that was my tantrum...hopefully i didnt hurt anyone's feelings...this was really all in pics coming soon from CLK'DbyBNJI

peace love and SAS

haha yes. bad title joke. XD

-Taylor :P [numba one shrekker!] =]

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