Wednesday, February 28, 2007
to my awesome exchangers...
hey guys... a really quick note to all of you who participate with the exchange...i wanted to personally thank all of you for all of your support on the website...and all of the endevours you have done to support both mylelf, dance, and demand.
I'm changing my management and redesigning all of my websites. I encourage all of you who have participated in the exchange to join my myspace brigade. I will even make a picture specifically for all of you to "exchange and talk on" in my pictures sections just has the benjellers have done so with my first pic...i promise to never take it down, hense creating a home closer to me where i can read everything and im in control of what is being made. sometimes there are too many middlemen in this im clarifying some things...honestly...this doesnt have anything to do with me not wanting an exchange but, id like to not have my forms of communication so spread myspace is large enough to spend my full free time on answering and reading alll the messages which i still do. so i ask my exchangers on myspace to pass the word to the rest of everyone. i think in the long run it'll be better and i will get the chance to everything that is being said a little bit better. its so hard to meet someone in real life and say"dont you know me i sent you that letter from the exchange...yada yada yada" and i feel bad cuz most of my attention is put apon the things where i have my own creative control...i would like and still try to be as close to my fans as i feel do so...I am asking the great exchangers to come over to my myspace. thank you so much for understanding all of you guys!!! you're the best and pray you don't feel that im taking your support for granted. in fact, this should be a sign that i DO give a darn!
peace, love, and sooooooooooouuuuullllllllllllll....your candyman,
also a whole new website will be up well as a new DEMAMD page.
they should be hot!
-Taylor :P
Posted by
1:09 PM
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Benji's New Picture : )
Okay, this IS Benjelle related... Well, 'Benj' related... Sans the 'Elle'...
~ Moosey ~
Posted by
7:00 PM
Sorry guys, this has NOTHING to do with Benjelle... Another obsession of mine pairing-wise is Reela/Roomies of ER, and I've been wanting to make a montage for them for a REALLY long time... I FINALLY found a place where I could download clips, but they're all in the .wmv format and I can only open .avi! *gasp*
Okay, so if anybody would be willing to do me a huge favor by letting me email them to you, converting the files to .avi, and sending them back to me, I would seriously be greatful to no end and do just about anything that you asked of me!!
Let me know if you can do this - PLEASE!!!
~ Moosey ~
Posted by
6:55 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Benji's New (That's A Lot Of New Stuff...) Blog
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
okay once again no particular order:
love readin all of your guys' as well!
10. ever have a good "fit in clothes day or look good without any clothes on at all day"
they are very rare for me, but fasting sure helps!!! hahahahaha
9. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, the movie!!! Its my life in a girly 80's way, lol!
8. Finding the right song for either a moment or in my case a dance piece i am slowly
working on....its been a battle for a few months! and i found the perfect mix!!!
7. Having a new friend who you know can know everything about you and vice versa.
One of those choice peeps in your life that you know God put there for a very
important reason.
6. two words... "passive income"
5. "Staying Alive", part two to saturday night amazing 80s flick!!! i used to
dress as tony manero and i bought the tape to the the movie and danced so close
to the fire!
4. Actually digging the bald head on think its way cool and it wasn't a
harsh decision...i think shes showing finally self above career. I can totally feel
her there.I think she has a nice shaped head so its cool. not some odd looking
thing like my head lol! I look at it in the way when i shave my head, i do it to start
over or to start something new.
3. Being a part of a music video having one of the hottest girls around slap your butt
repetitively on camara, looking all good, who was wonderful to work with, and feel
good about the product done....oh come've all done that now haven't
you? ;P
2. Overcoming supposed fate or judgement. this one is personal, but we've all had
something to prove...and we all will one day step it up and prove and learn. A
close family member did that recently...Im so proud of him!!!!
1. Baby Mila....if you don't know who she are missing out on one of the
coolest little ladies in the universe!
THERE!!! I think im gonna do a top 20 next time cuz i have more to say!!! itll be in honor of the Top 20 in
love yall
a very pleasant benji
10:47 PM - 52 Comments - 66 Kudos - Add Comment
Uber di duper love!!!!!!
~ Moooooosey ~
Posted by
2:31 PM
Benji's New Quote
Just thought I'd put it here:
""let's do it!" (flips off 30 foot ledge holding hands, they land perfectly) ." Hold On Manero!" They do not make dancers like thoe from the 80s anymore!"
*kinda confused*
~ Moosey ~
Posted by
2:25 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Donny's New Video Blog
Anonymous said...
YAAAAAY! DONY'S BAAAAACK! i've watched the vlog & i must say dony's back to the dony we know from the show. i kneeewww it. i knew she sounded different in her last vlog cos now that i've seen this one, in which she took it herself, i saw the dony we love. i don't know what was up in the previous vlog but i'm just happy to hear dony's doing classes & just being happy dancing again. oh and she's going to be teaching soon with allison, ivan, tyce & benji sometime on 25 this month. sigh. made my day that vlog.
5:01 AM, February 21, 2007
Let me know if this is the wrong one. The videos screw up my computer, so I can't watch them : (...
~ Moosey ~
Posted by
3:28 PM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Benji's Uh-Maze-Een (I'm A Dork)
The question on everybody's mind: Who is that girl that Benji has a picture of on him MySpace?
I'd gone to her page, and found she had a looooooooot of pictures of her daughter up, but I was in a hurry at the time, and thought nothing of it. Thanks to one of our faithful Anonymousi here, we have the full story:
Anonymous said...
that girl is andi. her two year old daughter, mila, is dying from a brain tumor and she made a myspace for her ( she's gotten a lot of attention and support and benji has gone to visit them multiple times
10:28 AM, February 20, 2007
Let's hear a big woot woot for Benji being the incredible guy he is! Awww... See, and if you recall, the entire reason that purple is the color of Benjelle and true loe is because of those bracelets they wore to help another girl...
These guys ar great!
Lots of purple love to all!
~ Moosey ~
Posted by
8:07 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
A Sweet New Montage
I don't know what's going on with the big black space near the end, but I found this new picture montage (The first from Zinc4), and I thought it was sweet : D. Just thought I should send a little shout out to those fortunate enough to have time to keep making Benjelletages - Mwah to you lucky Jellies!
Much love to all!
~ Moosey ~
Posted by
8:11 AM
Friday, February 16, 2007
So this morning they said that Cat is going to be on Good Morning Ameriker like as a host/interviewer/talkingperson and such. So does this mean that she's not going to host SYTYCD next season? :( *is worried*
-Taylor :P
Posted by
5:41 AM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
"That's Love"
Hey everyone!!! Ugh, oh my God, I've been so unbelievably busy, and ever so remisce in my Benjelly duties! As Taylor said, blogger's been being a pain, and I have a lot of crap going on in my life right now... But yeah.
Anywho, here's a little video of the long celebrated VFW that Mishelly put to different music... And guess where it was... That's right - ON BENJI'S MYSPACE : )
Hehe, anywho:
Love to all!!
~ Moosey ~
Posted by
3:59 PM
I loooove this one.
It's like pee wee herman meets harry potter who meets the aweshomest dancer ever. haha harry potter. HP David Lehre style. "...harry? black magic?" BWAHA.
-Taylor :P
Posted by
3:43 PM
FINALLY! The new blogger has decided to be my friend. :) The snow outside knocked out the cable so it took a while to get back online buuuuuuut...Benji's new [err. old.] blog!!
BENJI's Top 10 THINGS for the week!!! 1
Current mood: good
hi guys need to sleep but here's a lil sumthin' to chew on..feel free to post back your top ten things of the week!
in no particular order...
10. photoshopping pics that are taken on cool camaras!!!! lol!!! and that could be from old or weird camaras too...
9. "candyman", by christina aguilera ....mad props for doing something different and bringing a swinging sound back to the mainstream!!!
8. crumping in public without music on... it gets me more "relooks" by passerbys than if i was to put on shiney shoes and slide around at a walmart in utah!
7. kissing... its great!!!
6. golden spoon soft serve ice cream "cake batter" flavor...its all fat free and reminds me of my weiner dog Patty...she likes it too i used to buy her one every morning and we'd eat them together outside because they don't allow even human-like dogs inside.
5. anticipation in new albums coming out that actually step it up: recent ones: kingdom come, by jay-z "jigga what!"
the evolution of robin thicke, by robin thicke "so lost without you(DING!"
pasado, by sin bandera "sere un buen perdedor!"
limon y sal, by julieta vengas "y te quiero con limon y sal!!!"
anticipating albums that i know will be dope:
"untitled" by rocket summer......bryce is the man!
"untitled" by britney...........i know i know i know....shut know you still like her!
"DETOX" by dr.dre ......................"aftermath!!!!"
"shock value" by timbaland
"big" by macy gray
"tba" lincoln park
"light at the end of the world" erasure
5. wearing sweatpants that feel worn in a lil
4. working so hard in whatever you do that taking a day off to rest isn't guilt ridden
3. arcades!!! win as many tickets as you can with a friend and get matching cheepo items for the memory "4000!!!! oh yeah"(people smell the speculation)
2. teaching your parents how to use a myspace!!!!
1. learn a new art or anything you might be good at from someone who does it completely different from you...and watch the progress ....(taking crazy different styles of class when Im not amazing!!!)
.5 i have one more...prayer...twice a day atleast but making it a priority...really is matter what you believe...its nice to talk openly with someone who knows you better than you know yourself.
ookay im lgoing to bed people!!! love ya'll
ps new demand event going to take place soon!!! we just helped out another friend...its been great!!!!
thanks for all your donations
CHYEAHH! He has such a b-b-bangin' taste in music. And to number sevennn. HEY! the only person you are allowed to kiss is Donny.....orrr Lauren. =] *cough* BALCONYY!!! RED LIGHTSSS!!
okay I should stop...afterall....I do know the rules.... ;]]
-Taylor :P
Posted by
3:21 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
it's benjalicious
Benji...and his collarbone...WHOA! <333
Lacey's nose is like perfect!! :] comment. XD
<3 benji is the cooliest!
I would soo pass out if I saw Benji in walmart. haha. :]]
Sooo from the comments, Andrea made this. YAY andreaaa! 8)
PS-check out Benji's collage on his myspace profile ( omgosh. amazing.
I probably won't be on for the rest of the day. Sims 2 is calling my name. =)
-Taylor :P
Posted by
1:52 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
*Drools* Tyyyyyyyceeeeee
Yeah, okay, so those of you who've been here from the beginning already know that Tyce is my not so secret lover. Nuf said.
Anonymous said...
Hi it's Nony!
I just saw in the new issue of Dance Spirit (the one I told you about that has the little story about Travis telling us how he learned how to spin around).
Well there's an ad for Tyce Diorio's workshop. It's just names: Benji, Allison, Ivan, Heidi, & Donyelle!!!! A day of dance with the stars of SYTYCD. Workshop classes for ages 9 and up. Sunday, February 25, 2007 at the Hyatt Regency Wind Watch Hauppauge, NY.
So if anyone lives in the NY area, you might want to check it out.
10:25 AM, February 03, 2007
Anywho, I'd just like to say...:
I promise I haven't forgotten about you guys, I'm just really, uberly, unbelievably busy nowadays, and there's a lot of crap going on in my life right now, so I've been unpleasantly absent... : ( Thank you ever so much to my pal Taylor for picking up the slack, though (We pretty much always go back and forth on who posts the bulk number of posts at a time, and right now I guess it's on her), and I really hope to be back full force soon!
I love you all!
~ Moosey ~
Posted by
10:03 PM
bloggin' b
WOOT! The B-man blogged! =) omgoosh I can't wait until benji's b-day pics!
...Benji is not going to talk about his lovelife anymore....does this mean that I can start shipping Trivan?? ..please? =D hehe.
Well hello!
been awhile...I know I know...sorry about the wait...I have been oober busy. Its really late but I felt like I needed to just touch base with people with where i am at in my life right now and what the heck has been going on with me!!!
Benji v.2.0
I've kinda reinvented myself in the myspace world because o the state in which I feel i am in. The next few paragraphs wil explain more as to why im calling this subproject Benji v2.0
HOME ALONE 23: Tired of this Movie chain...
For starters...I have my own aprtment...all by myself! its such a change from the life that I have led for so long...I started out with my folks...then lived with a missionary companion for two years and change, who was always around, then I lived with some buddies of mine right b4 the "tv show" happened...then in the secret location apartments I had numerous roomies from the top 20, then on a tour bus with 11 other people, then between hotel rooms with dance partners and both of my parent's and friends' apartments (where i crashed in between the tour and now when i wasn't out of town or the country). So yeah, I have a fortress of solitude...well atleast for a little while anyway!
I've had m place for nearly 10 days and I've only slept in it for 2 hahahah!!! well i guess Superman couldn't chill there for very long either. Not like Im saving the world, but I am trying to make it a lil better.
Old School Cuz Ima Old Fool!...
Many of you know I turned a whopping 23 years old!!! Wow, Im nearly ancient!!! I just wanted to thank all of the many great fans out there who have sent their warmest regards...and for some...ahem, you know who( hint: "oh, how odd seeing you here" chelsey ny) went way neyond the call of duty in the gift(s) that were given. Thank You all so is in no way necessary to give me anything...many of your little fingers gave me one of the biggest gifts i could've recieved this past year "ahem, 1-888-tempo-04". ;P
Also once again another shout out to the amazing quilt made by the exchangers!!! Its up in my office room lookin fly!!!!
So Much, So Little
I have so many things going on, and yet so little time to do it in...I have a thousand and one projects, brainchildren, ideas, concepts, energies and desires I would like to make/create/finish/provide right now, but I have almost no time to get to all of them.
So, Im trying to really be focused now. Im using all the time I can to getting certain things done...hense i haven't been on here as much...although i now have my own place so that will help a bunch and let me be in better contact here. The dvds are out soon...they look so good!!! im really excited for people to learn what I think to be one of the best dances in the world. Also, my personal website and the DEMAND websites are going to be recieving a huge facelift soon. So will the new and improved origional page was just a temp while we put the finishing touches on the should be coming out very very soon!!!
Put a Lil' Love in Your Heart
And that's where it'll stay with me now. I have officially decided not to discuss my love life at all in public, i.e myspace and my fan pages. things get way too complicated. I think a signiificant other deserves to be protected and if I do have a special someone or when i saves me the stress in changing my "relationship status" and wondering what people would think of me or the person i was with. So yeah, there ya go with that one. I will say though, that I am very happy right now in terms of the people I associate with. I think that that is enough.
Don't Hate, Appreciate
I come form a very artsy yet moralized family. I love that. I have my own personal moral values and yet i don't find myself to be a narcisist nor one to be very judgemental of those that do not follow the same path that i might take. In fact a big chuck of the friends i have are very different from me...I love that. I have been in this business for quite a while...and whats so interesting to find out is that in a professional world of arts and entertainment, one would come to expect openmindedness and acceptence for all walks of life...and to an extent its VERY true ans awesome at that. But i have also noticed something very sad, and that there are still traces of racism, anti-religionites, and homophobes. Those three things i do not like whatsoever. I may not agree with certain things that people do, but I also know that amost every human being has so much more to love about them than to dislike or even worse hate. I feel like maybe I've been staying back from confronting those issues a little too much. Im going to try and be more vocal in what I know is not right. In all honesty, I've been accused of being almost everything in the what do i really care if someone accuses me of whatever they may think of me. Im going to try and just as my ring says "Choose The Right" and be honest with myself and my Maker. If I offend the Status-quo...OH WELL!!! lol....I hope we don't let these issues into the arts as they have in so many other areas of both the professional world and the social/recreational world.
First off, the first movie will be filming very very soon! Should be fun learning part is small enough to take baby steps but large enough for people to definatley see
also I just invested in a new camara...these newest batch of like say, the last 5 picsare from "her". Im going to be taking lessons excited!!!! I haven't even scratched the surface with what i want to do with it!
DANCE Too Much booty In Da Pants
I love dancing!!! I don't know if I have stressed that enough!!! It is the coolest thing ever!!! Im dancing all the time and teaching and growing with it. Im opening my mind to new stuff and thats great. I had a great opportunity in taking class with Dony recently which is always grrreat!(that was so tony the tiger!). My body is getting a crazy upgrade...going to be going to the gym(well, atleast im telling myself that! a friend of mine has been going and im jealous!!! lol)
Yes she is real! And you'll see the pics when she came to my exclusive B-Day Party!!!
pics coming soon...need some time to gather them all!!!! crazy times...amazing times!!! let's just say that the theme was 80's prom night...gender role switching occured. the place a Giant Chuch E Cheese's !!!!! amazing!!!!!!!!!! then after party at an in n out then off to toilet papering like 3 homes then a parking lot dance off amongst friends then a session at my studio when we got back from the other city we were going crazy in. Then a sleep over!!! all without drugs and/or alcohol!!! oh yeah...Mormons DO know how to throw a party!!! hehehe
Was I Kidnapped?!?!?!?!?!?!
Well kinda...I kinda can't talk about it for a lil''ll know why someday soon...
please no commenting about this. Thanks!
Okay, well I guess you can see that I have so many "wokrs in progress" and I have done so much "upgrading" both professionally, socially, resposability-wise, artistically and even emotionally that I feel like "Windows xp" or vista or whatever. im still a work in prgoress but some minor things have been improved apon and some new bugs have been detected. hense the commemoration of this next step and chapter in my life by calling its just that...and doesnt mean ive made it, just that ive fixed a few things, but the can of worms is opened even more and now I have even more to work on and improve apon.
Im so grateful for all that even care to read and listen and come back here and those who donate to DEMAND and those who have supported Heidi and I's projects in the last month. I truly am ver thankful for you all and I hope that you are all doing great!!!
Have a good one...back in action!
Benji v.2.0
-Taylorkins :P
Posted by
6:27 AM
Benji's new profile song!
Ooh YAY! Benji has a new profile songg. The Rain Don't Last by Hope. One of my all time FAVORITES! And the weird thing is that after CC introduced me to Hope's music I made a montage to it. Bad news is that dickhead...I mean Dick Clark deleted my youtube account..but anyway...on with the show.
Mmmm... Mmm... oohhmmm...
Could it be the world's gone colder?
Baby, I'm a losing soul
The more I try it just gets harder
And my pain is getting old
Somebody said that nothing lasts forever
Just the storm so I've been told
But it seems that when it rains it pours
And you know the rain won't last forever
And you know the storm won't always flow
But if the sun don't shine forever
You gotta let it go
Sometimes my burdens get so heavy
And it seems too hard to bear
Sometimes I feel so empty
And it feels like no one's there
Somebody said that nothing lasts forever
Just the storm so I've been told
But it seems that when it rains it pours
And you know the rain won't last forever
And you know the storm won't always flow
But if the sun don't shine forever
You gotta let it go
And you gotta let it go...
And you gotta let it go...
Mmmm... Mmm... oohhmmm...
...the good news is: I have a gofish account ;) haha eat it, clark!
-Taylor :P
Posted by
6:08 AM
moore pics!
Sorry it took so long to post these pics! But yesh, here they are. The latest pics from The B-man's myspace.
I am fuzzin' speechless. This picture is like...GAH! why is this picture so perfect??
*benji is attacked by vines* oh oh that reminds me of a hush sound song! *liike. vines. we. interwiined. LIKE VINES WE INTERTWINED! Carelessly growing up and growing old and life was on our tongues. ON OUR TONGUES. and it tasted heavenlyyy. soo gooood.* :)
*backhanded* GIMME MA MONEY! ...sorry. it was too easy :)
Ooh pretty!
...sorry chix. :(
-Taylor :P
Posted by
4:45 AM